Starting over

So here begins yet another platform rollout for my website, this time, finally, on WordPress rather than a cheap feature-starved site builder. What motivated this particular migration away from Google Domains (which worked just fine for as long as I had it) is to avoid the announced handover of Google Domains to Squarespace, which is more expensive than what I’ve moved to (Hostinger). So far, and it’s early in the process yet, things have gone (mostly) smoothly and Hostinger’s tech support is solid (I jumped the gun and started building the site before the SSL got installed, that caused issues. Resolved now, obviously, the URL starts with http://s.

My personal gold standard for web hosting is SiteGround, but they’re pricey. Very pricey, with no cheap schlocky site builder to spare your bank account.

Hopefully the investment here is for the long term.